And of course, no character is more beloved than the wacky-yet-lovable mooch, Cousin Eddie, played masterfully by actor Randy Quaid. Much of the movie's enduring success is derived from the relatable, if not inevitable, follies of a large family gathering during the festive holiday season.
By now, well into the annual holiday season, many Americans and movie buffs across the globe have tuned-in at least once to take in all or parts of the 1989 American cult classic film "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" starring Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo and Doris Roberts, among others.īetween family traditions, impromptu Christmas-movie marathons and casual channel-surfing between Thanksgiving and Christmastime, it's increasingly rare to make it through the holiday season without catching a scene or two of the zany, uber-quotable adventures of the 'Griswold's' family Christmas.